
A collection of interesting, important, or fun data.

By Kristina Becvar in Data Projects

May 25, 2022

Data Portals and Repositories

Google Dataset Search

Information is Beautiful

Kaggle Datasets

Natural Language Processing Datasets

Pew Research center Download Datasets

Pew Research Center Online Datasets

Registry of Research Data Repositories(

UC Irvine Data Repository

USA Facts

U.S. Government Data

U.S. Census

U.S. Census Statistical Abstracts


U.S. Department of Education

U.S. Department of Labor Statistics Current Population Survey(CPS)

U.S. Federal Permitting Dashboard

International Data


Arab Barometer

British Household Panel Survey

Centre for Humanitarian Data

EQLS: European Quality of Life Surveys

ESS: European Social Survey


EU Statistical Data: Eurostat

Eurofound Data Explorer

Eurasian Monitor


EVS: European Values Survey

EWCS: European Working Conditions Surveys

HDX: Humanitarian Data Exchange

IATI: International Aid Transparency Initiative

IPUMS International

Life in Transition Project

Polish Panel Survey

Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey

UN Statistics Division

UNDP Human Development Report Data

UN Refugee Data Finder

UNESCO Institute for Statistics

World Bank Open Data

World Bank Data Catalog

WVS: World Values Study

Collaborative Data Projects

CLEA: Constituency Level Election Archives

Electoral Integrity Project

GSS: General Social Survey

ICB: International Crisis Behavior Project

Inside Airbnb

IPUMS: International Public Use Microdata Series - All Sites

NHGIS: National Historical Geographic Information System

The Dataverse Project

World Inequality Database

People With Interesting Data

Erin Davis

Andrew Leigh

Interesting Data

Art Garfunkel’s Book Library

Speech and Language Resources

FOCUSdata Project

Open SLR

Posted on:
May 25, 2022
2 minute read, 224 words
Data Projects
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