Hi there. Welcome!
Here’s The Summary.
My path to research and work in conflict studies came after a full, separate career. After years of focus on operational legal management, I began researching new aspects of human resource analytics and changed my focus to executive HR management in 2020. The opportunity to focus on the social psychology aspect of my work paired with a love for statistical and computational studies led me back to academia. I resumed courses at UMass Amherst, where I got my B.A. in Business Studies, in the new DACSS (Data Analytics and Computation for Social Sciences) program. In January 2022 I engaged in the program full-time, and completed my Master’s degree in May 2023.
My courses have developed and continue to grow my skills in qualitative and quantitative data analysis, survey methodology, research design, data visualization, political science, and social psychology. I also continue to grow my proficiency in the programming languages R and Python. My primary academic research interests lie at the intersection of human security and democratic governance. My personal advocacy interests primarily include combat veteran advocacy and environmental justice.
I recently served as the research assistant and project manager for the Human Security Lab completing publications on the Afghan Voices research project. I have also found a community through my capstone internship with the Bridge Alliance non-profit where I am building my role as Chief Operating Officer.
I’m looking to connect with others pivoting to new phases in their educational and professional lives as well as those interested in engaging in building the support and knowledge resources of military veterans and their families, peace-building advocates, and anyone generally trying to find new ways to move the world forward.
You can see my resume here or check our my profile on LinkedIn.
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R (11) Projects (8) DACSS (6)
Kristina Becvar
M.S., DACSS Student @ UMass Amherst
How to say my name