Afghan Voices Project

Research on Survey Data from Post-U.S. Withdrawal Afghanistan

By Kristina Becvar in Projects Political Science International Affairs Afghanistan

November 28, 2022

Project Summary

With support from the National Science Foundation, the Human Security Lab at UMass Amherst were able to engage in a deeep study of the peace and security situation in Afghanistan under the Taliban, especially as pertains to women and gender. 20,000 survey answers were collected in Afghanistan between March and June 2022 in collaboration with global research firm RIWI, and I was honored to be part of the research team analyzing the results along with Professors Bernhard Leidner, Charli Carpenter, and Kevin Young in collaboration with a team of graduate and undergraduate students to develop an interactive website showcasing what Afghans say about the future of their country. Highlights of those results are presented here.

Additionally, the first of several publications generated from this data has been submitted and is under review, titled, ‘The “First Daughter” Effect, Human Rights Advocacy and Attitudes Toward Gender Equality in Taliban-Controlled Afghanistan’.

Afghanistan Survey Data Explorer

You can explore the data at the Human Security Lab website.

This project is part of the Human Security Lab research supervised by Dr. Charli Carpenter, Dr. Bernhard Leidner, and Dr. Kevin Young.

Posted on:
November 28, 2022
1 minute read, 187 words
Projects Political Science International Affairs Afghanistan
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