A New Home

By Kristina Becvar in Blog Building R

May 17, 2022

I am in the process of migrating my blog from distill to Hugo, and there is a bit of a learning curve, but plenty of resources to help with that.

After beginning the quest to create an academic website with my DACSS program support in distill, I found I wanted to expand my content and Hugo seemed like the right fit. After a lot of trial and error, this template and its’ implementation were made possible by finding Alison Hill, PhD. by stumbling on her slides on Making Websites in R Markdown.

I hope this collection helps anyone who is looking to create a similar presence for themselves online. The next post in this series has a lot more resources that have helped me with this process.

Until everything is complete, check out the project page for links to the existing GitHub pages and project sites to dig in further into my current projects.